'Closer to Home...'
But, then, they HAVE been getting really spoiled lately. I thought we were going to lose Callie LAST summer, she got SOOOOO thin going from her chest into her hips! But she persists. And we have been holding somewhat of a vigil for Cheetah. He usually hardly walks, but at times does dash 15 or 20 feet. He also sometimes seems VERY aware, but will not notice me put food directly in from of him. Callie won't quite let ME touch her, but Patty can pet her a little. And Cheetah is is bolting less and less when i touch him. I kinda doubt they will both last the summer. Even with water and blocks of ice for cooling - if they use it.
I fear that soon they will both be gone, but it warms my ticker to have them coming 'Closer to Home', at least if only 'for a little while'.
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