Jealousy in Cats


Does your cat get jealous]?

It’s understandable if they do — after all, you’re their favorite person!

You feed them, cuddle them, help them feel better when they’re sick...

And let’s not forget, you’re the best play buddy ever.

So, it’s easy to see why they’d be possessive of your time and attention…

And not just with other cats, either.

Being on your computer, your phone, or just around other people can make your cat feel insecure...

Which can lead to antics like jumping, meowing, biting, or even clawing.

Besides, jealousy isn’t a healthy feeling for your cat.

Ultimately, it’s a sign your furry friend is worried and stressed...

And instead of feeling confident — your cat thinks they need your attention (all the time) in order to be safe and sound.

In other words, if your cat is possessive, what they need is a big confidence boost.

That’s why today, I’m going to share 5 tips to help your kitty understand they don’t need to be jealous…

And also: good things can happen even if you’re not paying attention to them.

5 Ways to Boost Your Cat’s Confidence

#1. Encourage independence

Of course you want to spend as much time as possible with your cat, but teaching them a little independence can help them feel more confident.

Give them their own bed, their own eating area, and their own “free time” every day.

This can help your cat learn how to be happy and entertained even when you’re not around.

#2. Introduce the idea of “free time” with a puzzle toy

Simply find a hollow toy, place a delicious treat inside, and show it to your cat.

Your kitty will get a whiff of the yummy snack inside and begin playing with the toy, trying to get it out.

Once they start playing, walk away. Stay in the same area, but let your cat play on their own. That way, they learn they don’t need to stay glued to your side.

They can do their own thing and you’ll still be around when they’re finished.

#3. Consider the common denominators

Take note of what seems to make your cat feel envious, and why.

Some cat parents keep a journal of which situations make their kitty jealous. This makes it easy to predict when they’ll get testy…

Like, if your cat insists on sitting in your lap every time you open your laptop, or if they only hiss at a certain person who comes by you.

Once you’ve identified their triggers, you can be more prepared to help them feel better.

#4. “Treat” your cat to a better point of view

When you have to focus on work or other important things, give your cat a yummy treat.

That way, they learn it’s not so bad when you have to focus on other things…

In fact, fun stuff happens even when you’re NOT giving them your full attention.

#5. Stay patient and consistent

Big changes take time, and every cat learns at their own pace.

But by staying consistent, you can help your cat learn faster and feel more confident in no time.

After all, when your kitty is feeling great, it makes life better for everyone in your home.

With just a little effort and patience, you can help curb your kitty's possessive behaviors…

And then, you won’t have to split your attention between your furry best friend and everything else in your life.

Instead, your cat will be more confident and relaxed knowing that no matter what, you’ll always be there for them.

Plus, they’ll learn it can be FUN to have a little “me time.”

To you and your best friend,

Dr. Marty

PS: Here’s a video of a classic jealous kitty.

This cat is adorable — but you can see how quickly their behavior can become disruptive... 

And why it's important for your adorable kitty to feel confident and secure — even when you’re busy doing other things.

Click here now to watch a “Jealous Cat” in action


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