Glenda Tail
Glenda, my mom's cat, is one of many why a have nothing to say to my elder sibling.
He was coming out to visit one of his buddies out of Prescott for a few days.
He basically dropped my mother and Glenda with me at a hotel parking lot and split.
When he returned, we again met in the parking lot of a restaurant, at which
time and place he announced that Glenda WOULD NOT BE RE-ENTERING HIS PROPERTY.
Basically I keep her, or she will 'escape' at a rest stop.
Glenda lasted about six weeks before passing away comfortably, in the upper
level of HER own cage, being there of HER OWN CHOOSING, while sleeping.
My mother I never felt was so lucky. I don't know that she ever recovered from having the
only thing that she had that meant ANYTHING to her being snatched away.
I could meditate from now until doomsday, I could empty the shelves of Prozac,
I could be analyzed by the atom - Ain't NOTHING GOING TO CHANGE THAT! For
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